Sunday, November 14, 2010

Decision to get surgery

To preface this section, I have to say that I had shoulder surgery back in 2001.  It was latest and greatest called "Thermal Capsular Shrinkage", and within 6 months of having that surgery, my shoulder felt worse than it did before that surgery.

Ten years later, the shoulder had become worse, popping constantly and the pain was getting worse as well.  It was inhibiting my life in that I could not do pretty much anything over my shoudlers as that is when it really hurt and was very susptable to dislocation, so I have been "babying" my left shoulder for many years.

I went to a shoudler specialist who took x-rays, looked at my MRI (which I had done 2 years prior hoping to get my shoulder fixed then, but we had our second child soon after the MRI, and even though the pain was there, could not be without my left shoulder with a newborn), and did an examination on my left shoulder.

During the examination, I informed him of my previous shoulder surgery (Thermal Capsular Shrinkage), to which he replied, yes, we used to do that, but found out it did not work and sometimes made the shoulder worse.  So that just went to confirm that all the pain & discomfort and annoyance I had during my first surgery was for nothing. 

The doctor said I was beyond therapy (of which I had tried before my first surgery, but did not help, thus the first surgery) and that to fix it, they would need to do surgery on the shoulder.  He then went about telling me the new procedures for fixing an unstable shoulder.

The new procedure he wanted to do was a combination of a Bankart repair and a Labral repair, both of which are done via arthroscopic surgery, meaning no big incision, just a few small incision holes for the surgery.  So I decided I would go through the surgery in the hopes of having a fully functional and pain free left shoudler.

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